Manage all your individual Foreign Currency invoice, and receipt exposures
Only $14.99 per month - could save you thousands !
See them converted to your own Base currency - continuously with 60 second updates - all day - every day on demand !
Only $14.99 per month - could save you thousands !
And save your Accountants and Auditors time - They will love you !
Currency exchange plays a vital role for every importer & exporter and right now knowledge really is power!
What is CannyFx ?
- Designed specifically for Exporters, Importers, and Foreign Currency Investors.
- Measures your FX Risk Exposure constantly with ‘Real time-Online’ live prices streamed directly to your work station, iPhone, Laptop, or Notebook.
- Measures values of your future FX payments, and receipts in your functional/base currency – you see the value of all your upcoming Import payment obligations and/or Export receipts.
- Constantly measures by ‘Marking to Market’, at 1-minute updates, all your current FX exposures immediately from the moment transactions are entered into the system.
- System informs you via Email of your nominated predetermined negative movements.
- Measures variability against a system-generated budgeted/entry value at any time, on any date, against real-time live FX prices
- Measures your net FX Risk Exposure, and compares the increasing, or decreasing value of your ‘positions’ by displaying appropriate directional indicators
Reduce Stress - No more ‘fingers crossed’
- All businesses and individuals trading or investing in foreign currencies must proactively ‘Measure’ and ‘Manage’ their FX exposure
- The purchase or sale of goods or investments in a foreign currency is only one part of a deal.
- The other part is when the transaction is ‘closed out’, and the conversion is made back into the functional/base currency.
- Many deals have turned from big profits to significant losses because FX exposure had not been ‘Measured’ and ‘Managed’ correctly.
- Plan with certainty.
- You simply Input future payments and Receipts and CannyFx will keep you fully informed of your Foreign Exchange exposures.
International Accounting Rules IAS21 and AASB121
- All businesses trading across borders in foreign currencies must report in a timely and accurate fashion their foreign exchange exposures and convert back to their functional/base currency for P&L and Balance Sheet reporting purposes.
- CannyFx software provides information complying with provisions of IAS21/AASB121 [more details]
- Generates reports for Management and Accounting/Auditing.
- Creates more time to Manage the business.
Please Note: - CPA Australia have given specific written permission for CannyFx - [FX Licensing Consultants Pty Ltd] to reprint, in whole or in part, their IAS21 fact sheet.
"The Information contained in the website is not intended to be a source of advice or credit analysis with respect to the material presented and the information and/or documents contained in this website do not constitute investment advice."
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